Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welcome to the Towpath District Go-See-It Blog!

Having trouble coming up with someplace new to take your Den for a Go-See-It?   Wondering where other Leader's have taken their Scouts?  The Towpath District Go-See-It Blog is a means for leaders, and parents, within our District to share ideas with one another.

The lists are divided into 3 regions:  Monroe Co, Central NY and Western NY.  To view locations, simply click on one of these regions to the left. While there are many good ideas mentioned in each region, the lists are by no means complete!  Therefore, if you have been on a Go-See-It or think of someplace that is not yet listed, please leave a comment on this post and the information will get added to the appropriate section.

1 comment:

  1. Fort Niagara

    Buffalo Naval Park
    http:// ???
